Dear Parish,

I am writing to you today to inform you of an announcement that I made this past Sunday, April 25. I turned in a letter of resignation to the Vestry on March 14 and the Bishop, vestry, and I have been working out particulars ever since. Allow me to explain what is going on and why I have come to this decision. I will resign my post as priest in charge effective May 21, 2021 and I will be transitioning into supply work beginning on May 23, 2021.

As many of you know Jen and I have been pursuing adoption and there are pastedGraphic.pngsome things in that process that have come up causing discussions between Jen and l. One of those discussions has been if we wanted to introduce our adoptive children to the fishbowl of ministry, the answer to that is a no. As we have been reminded in the interviews for the process of adoption when the children come to us, they will come with trauma of various kinds. This is a situation that is not helped by life in full time ministry.

We have also been asked what we would do if our adoptive children had a different faith than us. We would have no problem with that and would make arrangements to accommodate the children’s faith. Faith requires that you make your own informed decision, nobody can make that choice for you be that in the case of adult or child. The biggest deciding factor for me was a very simple question I was asked in the interviews, and that was about my childhood. I had a great childhood, one I wish everyone had. I got to travel and see the country, meet people from all over, experience new things, spend time with my family camping and exploring. It was nothing short of wonderful. I was then asked the question, “And you want to give that to your kids, right?”. The answer to that is yes with all my heart, however I soon realized that in the position I am in, doing the things I do, I can’t. That realization floored me and I can not accept that so changes need to be made.pastedGraphic_1.png

Add into all this the whole issue of stress with the pandemic, ministry, adoption, and a nice big health scare and it all adds up to I’m tired. I’m tired, worn out battered and bruised and I need time to heal myself as well as build my family in such a way that they are healing as well.

Change is never easy, rarely comfortable, often scary, and sometimes necessary. This is such a case. At this point I imagine you are asking what about us? The Vestry and I have a plan for moving forward. I was asked if I would consider supplying for Saint Francis while you all figure out next steps and start searching for your next priest. I of course said yes so in the scheme of things not a lot will change for the time being. I will celebrate the Eucharist and preach, and the Vestry will take on the role of administrators of the church.

As details become firmer and plans are made you of course will be kept aware of them as they are made available. If you have questions or wish to talk more please know that my door is as always open. This process will without a doubt be uncomfortable at times but please know that Jen and I want nothing but the best for Saint Francis. Know that you remain in our prayers as I hope we do in yours.


In His name,

David Pearson +