September Parish Letter – Fr. David

Dear Parish Family,

I hope this letter finds you safe and well. I know these are and continue to be difficult times. Many of us thought and hoped that by now we would be closer to normal, alas that is not yet to be. However things are improving, if slowly as I hope you will see.

I am writing to inform you of a few recent updates and give you a glimpse of the path ahead. Recently Bishop Sparks has come out with what is being called the “Michigan Proposal”. What this does is allows us to meet in worship with up to 25% capacity indoors unless we have another lockdown by State Officials. This does not mean that you have to return but that the decision to return is yours. I would encourage you to continue to watch the numbers and make the decision you are comfortable with. In addition to this I still encourage you to stay home if you feel ill or out of sorts for any reason and I will do the same. We are also forming a kind of hybrid worship that will be offered every week which is the 25% capacity indoors as well as outdoor seating for both overflow and those that are not quite comfortable being indoors at present. That will be evolving and feedback on how to best accomplish or improve it is very helpful and welcome.

I also wish to inform you that I was contacted by Bishop Sparks and informed that he would like to begin resuming his visitations and hoped that he could come and visit us on October 4th. The answer of course was yes we would enjoy that hence the Bishop will be joining us this weekend. There is still no coffee hour and we are still social distancing but the Bishop will be here and available. Hope to see you soon.

In His name,
